Monday, 10 August 2015

Day 25 - Summer hols (@ Bristol)

Good day for the boys! After starting the day wondering what on earth I was going to do with the kids all day, thank goodness fran got in touch. She really saved me! Ellis went for play with Ravi so I managed to get shopping done, a bit of work and read the gas and electricity meter. Whooo get me! Ivor and I picked up Ellis and brought Ravi back with us. Then I took us all to @ Bristol with a packed lunch and met Fran the kids there. Lunch together in the picnic area then off to explore. I lost fran for ages, but made sure I kept my eye on Ellis and Ivor. They played, ran around etc etc. it was exhausting, and very buSt and hot. But they enjoyed it! Caught up with Fran. They watched a weather show, and then we made our ways home. Ravi came for dinner. The boys played well which was nice to see. Ivor watched some telly because he kept throwing stuff at Ellis and Ravi.

Today was totally exhausting. Am very glad to have at last had a bath and some time to myself.

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