Thursday 8 March 2012

The Pop-up Book Of Flying Machines

 Ellis loves this book but it's quite delicate so we keep it on a shelf away from his other books - two year olds and pop up books, great when we look together but definitely not for solo play! I found it in a charity shop for 50p, and fell in love with the illustrations. I look forward to learning about flight from this book with Ellis as he grows up. It's great to see a hot air balloon in there, especially as we see them regularly living in Bristol. I've tried finding this vintage book online and only found one for sale on Ebay in the USA for £20 so I it's definitely a vintage find!


  1. wow Cath that book looks amazing, I'd love to see it next time we come over - I know what you mean about Pop-Up books, the kids love them but they get trashed if we don't supervise! x

  2. I'm 51 years old, and live in the US. I owned that book when I was eight. It was my very first pop-up book. I bought it at a school fair. A small collection of pop-up books followed. Really brings back memories...

    1. Thanks for your comment, it's great to hear from someone who grew up with this book when it first came out

  3. Ill be 60 soon. I too had this book from a school fair. I still remember the image of the narrator bird losing his feathers when flying near a helicopter. Great memory. I was actually searching for the name of that bird to use. Wow, such a fond memory.
