Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Block family and friends

 Here's a new toy that I made for Ellis after a conversation I had with Rachel... she got the idea from Pinterest. You basically print of images of family and friends and attach them to blocks so your child can do imaginitive play with them. So far, Ellis has attempted to take his grampa to school in his school bag, and he's had various conversations with nana and great nana, and tried to chop his friend's head off with a scissors... but daddy fixed him again.

Here's Ellis demonstrating how you can put soldiers in prison and use mummy, Ellis and grandad as prison guards!


  1. what a great idea, we'll have to try that for Edie! Great to see you blogging again!

  2. That's brilliant - I am going to have to try that one. George is going to love this. And it's nice to see you back and congratulations on your pregnancy!

  3. Thanks for your comments, Pinterest is the originator of this idea, Rachel from myrainbowvintagehome posts loads of great stuff, especially make and do for children x
