Saturday, 2 June 2012

Southville rope swinging

What a joy it must be to be two and a half and swinging up high into the sky on a swingy rope, embracing all the confidence and bravery of being little but big and strong. 


  1. Lovely shot - and I miss being brave! I get giddy so easily these days, my roller coaster days are well and truly over!

  2. Love this photo! I remember how had it was to coax him away to carry on our walk, he is a very strong brave boy! x

  3. Lovely photo. I think you summed it up - the bravery and confidence of someone so young with the world at their feet. I tell my boys to go and do things all the time that I never dream of doing at their age or mine!

  4. Thanks lots xxx and hey Sue, thanks for joining my blog, makes me v happy, have a great jubilee week :-)

    1. Pleasure's all mine! It's lovely to get new readers isn't it? Regarding one of your previous blogs where you said it was lovely to get followers who don't know you - I still haven't told my friends my blog URL as I'm too shy so whenever I get a comment, I'm delighted too! It makes it feel like you're not just talking to yourself!

  5. I've been thinking about what you said and wondering what makes us different, as I'm more than happy to tell my friends and family, and encourage them to visit! The nice thing is that when friends do visit, when I see them in person it creates ongoing future conversations about subjects I love i.e.craft, vintage... so there are extra rewards. Anyway, Sue, hope you pluck up the courage and let more people know, you'd be surprised what positive rewards it brings :-)

  6. What a great photo. Love your new blog header too - very cute. xx

  7. There is something about being on a is a funny world, only a couple of days ago I was rummaging through old photos and found one that I am particularly fond of - our daughter on a home made swing on out old allotment. She is bursting with happiness

  8. Sorry forgot to finish with lovely photo!

  9. Thanks for saying so x would love to see the photo if you ever put it on your blog x
